Aviation, News

NCAA urges stakeholders to disregard attempt to discredit its data

FAA begins IASA audit of NCAA

Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) has called on the general public and in particular stakeholders in the aviation industry to disregard an attempt to discredit statistical data emanating from the Authority.

The regulatory authority said it stands by its statistics which it claimed are harmonised with relevant  parastatals, government agencies and handling companies  before they are published.

“We wish to state that NCAA stands by its statistics. The figures are verifiable and are harmonised by all relevant aviation parastatals, government agencies and handling companies,” NCAA said.

In a statement made available to African Business Travel News (ABTN) the Civil Aviation authority through its spokesperson, Sam Adurogboye, acknowledged that there could be disparity in its data collection and that of Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN), it added that the 5 per cent Ticket Sales Charge (TSC) is not based on the total ticket sold but ticket flown.

“It is therefore important for the public to be aware that there is a disparity between NCAA’s data collection basis and FAAN’s. In addition, 5% Ticket Sales Charge (TSC) is not based on the total tickets sold but only on flown tickets,”.

It explains further, “On the other hand, FAAN computes its Passenger Service Charge (PSC) on all categories of passengers flying through the airport.

“Furthermore, 5% TSC applies to all tickets originating from Nigeria with the exclusion of Diplomats, Tickets sold offshore, infants tickets and staff tickets. These are all classified as non-taxable tickets.

It added that tickets sold by National Association of Nigeria Travel Agencies (NANTA) and Airlines do not translate to taxable tickets until it is utilised by the passenger”.

NCAA which also called on the general public to disregard any claim that linked it with the service of any consultant to collect revenue on its behalf, said  It has automated its revenue generation and collection systems handled by its staff in the most transparent manner.

“The Authority hereby states categorically, that there is no consultant(s) commissioned to collect its revenue on its behalf. Payments have since been automated while the processing and data analysis for both international and domestic airlines are handled by NCAA staff.

‘The Automation process is a transparent system that obtains billable data directly from the reservation system of the airlines.

“On the international route, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) is responsible for billing and collection of revenue which is remitted into NCAA TSA account.

“This is the global practice as charged by member states (airlines) to ensure coherent fare structure to prevent exploitative and monopolistic tendencies of the airlines,” It said.

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