
Hajj 2019: Med-View begins inbound airlift of pilgrims

A Med-View Aircraft

Med-View Airlines Plc has began airlift of Nigerian pilgrims from holy lands in Saudi Arabia to Nigeria

A source at the airline said the exercise which began on Friday started with the first batch of 547 pilgrims from Kaduna State, North Eastern Nigeria.

“The first batch of 547 pilgrims on Medview Airline flight arrived Kaduna International airport on Friday amidst jubilations,” said the airline.
The arrival has therefore put an end to claims in some quarters that Med-View was not involved in the airlift of pilgrims this year.

“The arrival of the pilgrims put paid to comments in certain quarters that Medview Airline was not involved in the 2019 HAJJ airlift,” said another source.
The airline’s source added, “Another batch of  128  pilgrims are billed to arrive Kano, Yobe and Lagos today (Saturday) on Max Air Flight VM2020”.

Medview Airline is one of the three carriers contracted by National Hajj Commission  (NAHCON) for the 2019 Hajj airlift.
It would be recalled that NAHCON initially gave Med-View 5,720 pilgrims to airlift but later increased the number to 6,443.
The airline however, said the rest of the pilgrims will be airlifted according to the schedule drawn to meet the mid September deadline for all inbound flights.

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