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Bi-Courtney refutes report on ticket racketeering at MMA2 

Picture of Murtala Muhammed Domestic Terminal Two (MMA2) Lagos


The management of Bi-Courtney Aviation Services Limited (BASL)  operator of Murtala Muhammed Domestic Airport Terminal Two (MMA2), has refuted media reports of ticket racketeering at its terminal.

The foremost airport terminal operator in Nigeria and West African subregion, on Tuesday, in a statement, said a media report that claimed ticket racketeering is prevalent at MMA2, with one-way ticket prices being sold for as high as N250,000 due to the involvement of airline staff and touts,  is unfounded and lacks credible evidence.

BASL affirmed that MMA2 is operated under stringent security and operational protocols designed to prevent such activities.

“It is imperative to address these claims with factual clarifications and highlight our commitment to maintaining a secure, transparent, and efficient airport environment,” BASL said.

Debunking the accusation that ticket racketeering is prevalent at MMA2, with one-way ticket prices being sold for as high as N250,000 due to the involvement of airline staff and touts, the terminal operator said, “the assertion is unfounded and lacks credible evidence. MMA2 operates under stringent security and operational protocols designed to prevent such activities. Our internal monitoring systems have found no indications of intentional hoarding of air tickets or collusion between airline staff and touts to inflate ticket prices.”

On the rumours that touts engaging in ticket racketeering in the terminal use  Point of Sales (PoS) machines to facilitate their fraudulent activities with unsuspecting passengers, BASL said, “At MMA2 all ticket transactions are conducted at the airlines’ sales booth using their official means of payment provided by the airlines.” It continued, “To combat any form of touting or illegal activities, MMA2 collaborates closely with the Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN), Aviation Security (AVSEC), and other relevant authorities. In June 2024, FAAN established a joint task force specifically aimed at addressing and reducing touting activities across all Nigerian airports.

Speaking in the same on the issue, BASL’s Airline Manager, Bisola Ademola-Davies, said, “MMA2 is in continuous discussion with airlines to ensure that their process and practices do not leave room for anything that could undermine a seamless passenger experience which is what we pride ourselves in. Our collective efforts have significantly curtailed illegal activities, and we remain steadfast in our commitment to maintaining this progress.”

She added, “The safety and security of our passengers are of paramount importance to MMA2. We have implemented robust measures, including advanced surveillance systems, comprehensive staff training, and regular security audits, to ensure a safe and seamless travel experience for all passengers.”

Speaking on the security at the airport terminal, Head of Aviation Security, BASL, Monica Oguta said, “Our surveillance systems monitor adherence to security protocols within MMA2. Registered protocol officers, who have undergone background checks by the Nigeria Police and BASL AVSEC, operate through their companies, not as individuals. Anyone found engaging in illegal activities will be blacklisted.

Oguta reiterated that, “passengers are encouraged to buy tickets through authorized channels, with AVSEC personnel available for assistance. We collaborate with airline partners and regulatory authorities to maintain transparency and accountability in all operations

“MMA2 remains a leading private terminal in Lagos, Nigeria, known for its state-of-the-art facilities and exceptional passenger service. We continue to uphold the highest standards of safety, security, and efficiency in the aviation industry, reinforcing our dedication to serving the traveling public with integrity and excellence.”

Reiterating the enforcement of  zero-tolerance policy at MMA2  terminal towards any form of misconduct, the Head of Corporate Communications, Ajoke Yinka-Olawuyi said, “Any person found engaging in illegal activities will face the full force of the law. Our commitment to passenger safety is unwavering, and we continually strive to uphold the highest standards of security. Passengers should feel free to approach our help desks strategically located within the terminal, we are always here to help and take complaints. Our communications department is equally open to all.”

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