Aviation, Ground Handling

Attack on NAHCO staff: Police arrests suspect

Nigeria Police Force

The man suspected to have assaulted  an employee of NAHCO Plc, at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport, Lagos, is now in police custody, African Business Travel News (ABTN ) can confirm.

The suspect, Adebayo Idowu, a 22 year old male, office assistant, working for a clearing agent, name withheld,  was arrested  and detained at the NAHCO Division, Airport Command of Nigeria Police Force at about 4:30pm today after his employer brought him to the station following an agreement he had with the police to  produce the suspect by today.

Idowu allegedly  assaulted Tersuu  Orhembega who was carrying out his lawful duties within the ramp of the ground handling company located at the Hajj/Cargo Terminal of Murtala Muhammed International Airport by hitting him on the forehead, causing him to lose balance and hit his head on the concrete floor in the ramp.

On realizing that Orhembega had collapsed after he was badly wounded, Idowu was said to have  taken to his heels and escaped from the warehouse while some personnel of Nigeria Customs Services (NCS) in the shed watched helplessly.

Orhembega  who is receiving treatment in the  Surgical  Emergency  Ward,  Lagos State Teaching Hospital (LASUTH) Ikeja is said to have suffered intra cerebral hemorrhage, a condition which medical experts claimed may turn fatal if  urgent  neuro-surgical  operation to remove blood stains from the victim’s  brain is delayed.

Confirming the assault, NAHCO Plc  spokesperson, Tayo Ajakaiye  in a statement shared via Whatsapp message said:  “This young man Tersuu Orhemba is a staff of NAHCO. It is reported that on Wednesday 3rd April, 2019 last week , while on duty, he was  hit on the back by yet unidentified person. He collapsed immediately after the incident and was rushed to hospital . Medical report review he had internal bleed into the brain and will required surgery to clear blood stains in the brain. He is lying critically in the hospital. NAHCO will require toconduct thorough investigation/search to apprehend the person that caused this pain to this young and more guarantee safety of other employees of the organization. If this is not done the other staff of this organization are also at risk of been stabbed the same way.”

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