Aviation, News

Relocation of aviation headquarters from Lagos will hinder post COVID-19 recovery  for aviation – Olowo

Dr. Gbenga Olowo, President, Sabre Network West Africa.


The directive of Federal  government on aviation agencies to relocate their corporate headquarters to Abuja, has been described as one that  would hinder the industry in Nigeria from stepping into gradual and steady recovery immediately after COVID-19 crisis.

The policy  is also seen  as one that would bring  regulatory agency such as Nigerian  Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) too close to  seat of government with undue political influence  on its oversight functions.

These opinions were expressed by the President of Aviation Round Table Initiative (ART), Dr. Gbenga Olowo while responding to questions from aviation journalists  on the recent directive given aviation agencies in Lagos to relocate their headquarters to Abuja within 45 days.

Olowo who queried the reality of compliance to the directive  directive at a time there  is restriction on inter State movement and when the industry is expected  to gradually step into recovery, said, “To relocate during Covid interstate movement restrictions how possible and why the strict timeline given that aviation businesses will gradually gain speed post Covid 19 probably third quarter of 2020”.

He however noted that the agencies have been ran from Abuja  where  the Chief Executive officers spend most of their time while they have their  seats in their Lagos offices.

“In any case, the agencies physical presence and their Heads have always being in Abuja safe for their empty seats in Lagos.

Nevertheless,  the policy statement has been on for a while with the thought that it has been overtaken by economic considerations, the President, Sabre Network West Africa,  however said undue nearness to government will definitely erode the autonomy status of NCAA.

“The policy statement has been there for a while, we had thought economic judgement had prevailed on their staying behind all this while.

“Undue nearness will definitely erode the autonomy status of NCAA given the place of influence on political economy. Frequent political interferences as it were in the past will increase more so as we are approaching another election year.

“One will only hope the few good hands currently in place will not be politically dethroned on political preferences,” he reasoned.

Olowo also lamented the move will affect the revenues of Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria FAAN and Nigerian  Airspace Management Agency (NAMA)  would be decimated because the direct control will be lacking.

“Secondly, Murtala Muhammed Airport (MMA) being the highest revenue earner for FAAN and  NAMA will suffer some administrative slack with the seat of direct control being away from Lagos. It’s like locating the bakery away from the production line and supply of flour.

“Direct and on the spot decision making by numero uno becomes delegated,  resulting to unnecessary gaps with timelines,” he reasoned.

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