Airline, Aviation

Air travel in Nigeria experiences boosts since after recession – DG NCAA

  1. NCAA issued an All Operators Letter (AOL) 070 requiring mandatory compliance with the United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Emergency Airworthiness Directive by all operators in Nigeria forthwith.
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Air travel activities in Nigeria has witnessed a boost since the country came out of recession.
This was made known by the
Director General of Nigerian Civil Director General, (NCAA) Captain Muktar Usman during a chat with newsmen in Lagos.
Usman  who said air travel demand as projected by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) will continue to grow with more connectivity.
He also expressed the optimism that the second position of Africa in the region in the July 2018 passenger traffic of 6.8% increase can be surpassed with direct link in the continent.
The director general  disclosed that NCAA recorded over $16.98million as Ticket Sales Charge (TSC) from international and over N9.16billion from local airlines between the months of January to August this year through its automation system.
Usman also said that with the expected surge in passenger traffic associated with fourth quarter of every year, NCAA would double the figure by the end of the year.
He said,”there has always been that projection that aviation in Africa is growing and the rate of growth is one of the highest in the world. We lack that internal connectivity within the Africa region and once those sectors are developed  you would see much more increase in the movements because for example, if you want to go to Niger as of today, you hardly have any direct link even though airlines have been designated, one of the ways of going there, is to go to Lome and then go to Niamey when from Abuja it shouldn’t be more than one hour you spend a whole day and off course and as a lot of cost you have to go to Lome through Asky and maybe take you either direct to Niamey or when they are coming back they go through Burkina Faso and so on, but once we start having this connectivity direct, the cost would also be expected to reduce  and then more people would be able to afford to fly, so it is expected that the increase would continue”.
Statistics released by the regulatory Agency reveals that passenger traffic in the last 8 months has hit 2.4 million with 27.1k flight count.
Meanwhile, international passenger traffic from January-August show that 10 of the airlines are carrying the traffic with Ethiopian airline taking the lead with over 134.104, followed by Emirates with 107.217, British Airways, 86.249 and Turkish airlines,70.392 passengers.
Others are Air France, 70.144, KLM Royal Dutch, 63.990, Virgin Atlantic 63.448, Delta airline,39.196, Qatar, 38.706 and South African Airways, 36.868 passengers.
On the domestic passenger traffic, 7 airlines are pulling their weights with AirPeace in the forefront with over 340.664 passengers, with Dana Air trailing with 330.370, AZMAN, 245.437 and Arik, 177.061 passengers

Others are; Medview, 156.226, Aero, 138.146 and Overland, 78.166 passengers.

“Yes certainly, its going up, don’t forget that we came out of recession, during the recession so may things happened, now the economy is out of recession a lot of activities that’s commercial activities and so on, so people are being more empowered in terms of this movement, we should expect even more,” Usman said.

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