Aviation, NCAA

NCAA hopes for better performances  in 2023

The Director General, Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA), Captain Musa Nuhu


The Director General of Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA), Captain  Musa Nuhu has expressed the optimism that the  aviation industry in Nigeria shall witness better performances in 2023.

Nuhu expressed the optimism during an inter-religious prayer session held to seek  divine intervention  for an accident free year in the industry.

The DG, CA, Capt. Musa Nuhu who joined the prayer session held at the NCAA’s (Aviation House) Headquarters Annex Aviation House in Lagos, virtually,  implored the staff to continue to be dedicated and committed to duty in the task of facing the challenges ahead.

Nuhu expressed optimism that having survived the challenging 2022, the year 2023 would be better.

The prayer session had in attendance both junior and senior officials of the aviation regulatory agency from Christianity and Islamic faiths, seeking divine assistance at fulfilling the vision and mission of the NCAA in 2023.

Prayer points were specifically raised to God on behalf of the management for effectively implementation of the new Civil Aviation Act (CAA) which was assented to by President Muhammadu Buhari recently.

It would be recalled that the Nigeria Civil Aviation Acts 2006 was repealed the by Nigeria Civil Aviation Acts 2022. The new Acts  captures several developments that had taken place at international civil aviation in the last 16 years.

The new Act has also changed the nomenclature of the CAA from Nigerian  Civil  Aviation Authority to to Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) without an ‘N’ in Nigeria while the Director-General is now to be addressed as DG, Civil Aviation.

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